Sila Hopton


I am a Senior Biomedical Technologist working as part of Highly Specialised Mitochondrial Diagnostic services as part of Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospital. This Service is for Rare Mitochondrial Disorders of Adults and Children.

I work alongside Clinical Scientists who are specialised in areas such as Histochemistry and Biochemistry. I deliver complex and sensitive diagnostic report for histopathological, immunohistochemical and biochemical information in the form of interpreted test results that will have lifelong implications for patients and their relatives.

As part of my duties, I am responsible for Explain theoretical and demonstrate practical aspects of the job to trainee clinical scientists and technicians, visiting scientists and clinical staff.

I have a BSc degree in Biomedical Sciences (Medical Microbiology & Immunology) from Newcastle University. I have a diploma in healthcare Management and Leadership (ILM3) from NHS Leadership academy. As part of the mitochondrial research-diagnostic interface, I have been Co-Authoring in variety of scientific publicized papers, which are important to develop new techniques and technologies to improve the diagnostic service