The WCMR team from Newcastle University and the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust would like to offer their sincere thanks to Liz Twist MP who, as chair of the APPG on Rare, Genetic and Undiagnosed Conditions, has been incredible in helping raise awareness of mitochondrial disease and dysfunction to ensure continued funding for the vital mitochondrial research that provides hope for a cure.
This included a recent parliamentary event provided by members of the WCMR team that offered a unique opportunity to engage with parliamentarians interested in learning about mitochondrial disease from those living with the condition, patient organisation representatives from Genetic Alliance UK and The Lily Foundation, mitochondrial researchers and medical professionals who care for those affected by the condition. This was hugely successful and saw 25 MPs and their staff join us to find out more about mitochondrial disease and how they can support their constituents living with the condition through raising much needed awareness.
This was followed in the same week by a visit to the WCMR by Liz Twist MP and her Senior Parliamentary Assistant Sam Grist who very generously spent time meeting the WCMR team and hearing more about the mitochondrial research that aims to transform the lives of those with mitochondrial disease and dysfunction. The WCMR team were delighted to hear about all the amazing work Liz does with the APPG on Rare Disease and are extremely grateful for all her support in raising the profile of mitochondrial disease and the importance of mitochondrial research for the benefit of the mitochondrial community.
We would like to thank everyone involved in the organisation of the parliamentary event, including Rachel Clayton, Senior Policy and Public Affairs Officer from Genetic Alliance UK, and Elizabeth Birchman, Parliamentary Assistant to Liz Twist MP. A special thank you also goes to the patients and caregivers who joined us in Parliament to share their own personal experiences of mitochondrial disease and to everyone who contacted their MP in the lead up to the event.