This years Mitochondrial Patient Information Day was held at the Centre for Life Newcastle. The programme included interactive sessions in relation to diet and exercise, research updates, parliamentary progress as well as patient and guest speakers. Before the formal talks began we also ran a number of focus groups so we could discuss important issues surrounding reproductive options and how we communicate our research. For more information on this event or to view any of the talks please click here. Alternatively copies of our patient publication ‘Mitonews’ an be found by clicking here.
Patients with mitochondrial disease, along with their families, came together at the Lily family day in 2014 and 2015 for a weekend of family fun and interactive seminars and we were very pleased to be part of these fantastic weekends. For some of the images from these events please click here
A team of representative from the Wellcome Trust Centre for mitochondrial Research ran a stall at the Great North Children Hospital’s 5th Birthday party where patients, carers and staff could play fairground style games based around mitochondrial genetics. It was a great day thoroughly enjoyed by all which were proud to take part in. For pictures from this event please click here.